“Our Links Are Vital”

Our Story

The Lifestyle Concierge Service idea was invoked from reflecting on my years in the “Service Industry” – Hospitality, Tourism, Conferencing and Event Planning. I began wondering - how could put my invaluable experience to good use? My overriding thought was and is still that “professional, effective Service” is still very much a requirement – probably more so now than ever before, people need things to be done professionally and efficiently.
Colleen Smerdon

Our Mission.

To develop VITAL LINK LIFESTYLE CONCIERGE into an internationally linked, dynamically progressive, and exclusively comprehensive “Lifestyle Concierge Service”

our pledge

Our pledge is to offer services that are professional, efficient and client convenient.


Our Vison..

To develop VITAL LINK LIFESTYLE CONCIERGE into an internationally linked, dynamically progressive, and exclusively comprehensive “Lifestyle Concierge Service”


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